Caution: Watch at your own risk

All the nice boys like a sailor, and there are plenty of them here. All of them arm-in-arm singing a dirty old sea shanty aboout seamen and life on the ocean waves, while the ship carrying them fires its mighty funnels. It's hard to believe that the song itself could be any camper. But check the lyrics, 'If we all come together, we know what to do, we all come together just for you'. And if that wasn't enough hedonism for you, check out 'Sailing, sailing, jumping out the railing. Drinking, drinking, 'til the ship is sinking. Gambling, stealing, lots of sex-appealing'. Sounds like the average Channel crossing on SeaFrance to me. And who on earth put the words 'That's not a knife... THIS is a knife' into a pop record? 'Girls like me are pretty hard to find' she sings, dressed in a mere slip of a bikini. Not in my experience, darling, just try hanging around Soho on a Friday night.
Best Friend
I've saved the best for last. Best Friend is like a cheesy pop version of the film Fatal Attraction. The video appears to be based around the theme of a jealous girl who has some kind of a psychotic crush on her best friend. So much so, she appears with her leather clad girls' gang rehearsing karate moves learnt directly from the Karate Kid. Things turn more violent when she gets tooled up with a pair of scissors and cuts her best friend's girlfriend's hair to shreds. She takes out another one with a large incendiary device and two more with a crossbow. No wonder juvenile violence is on the rise.
Labels: aqua, best friend, cheese, cheesy pop, danish, denmark, jane, music, pop, sailor, song, tarzan, toy box
Toy-Box were fahking awesome.
I remember Smash Hits started a campaign to get "Tarzan & Jane" released in the UK, but the label ended up releasing "Best Friend" first so they could tie in the release with the Disney Tarzan movie. But then BF only got to #41 so they didn't bother. Shame because it was always on The Box!
The Sailor Song is a bit sick if you really think about it...
Also check out "Superstar" from their second album !
My God,are they real?!I have a Europop obsession so I'm used to naff lyrics, but "Tarzan is handsome,Tarzan is strong,he's very cute and his hair is long" is in a whole new dimension of naffness!I particularly like that bit on the boat song at the end where the girl says "This was great." Is life really that bad in Denmark?!
I agree with all the above, but I won't hear a word against Toy Box. Bringing europop to a new low is worthy of our admiration!
DSTP got so much schtick when this band featured on the blog! WOAAAAAAAAAH! Great band and of course from Denmark so can't really go wrong there!
Oh. My. God.
Toybox were just sooooo completely fabulous!
The 90s were just the Europop years!! Bring back Europop!!
And of course Denmark knows how to do Europop - wasn't Whigfield Danish??
Can't beat a bit of cheese!
Makes Aqua and Mr.President seem like Coldplay! Thanks for posting these.
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